2016 Maryland Area Genealogy Speakers

2016 promises a couple of must attend events for family historians in the Maryland area.

First, on Saturday, March 26, 2016, Judy G. Russell (A.K.A. The Legal Genealogist) is speaking at the Pratt Library Annual Genealogy Lecture.
Get the details for the lecture here: Pratt Annual Genealogy Lecture: Judy G. Russell, The Legal Genealogist
This is a free event but you should register by calling the library.

And then on Saturday, April 16, 2016, Dick Eastman is speaking at the Baltimore County Genealogical Society’s Spring Seminar.
Get the details for the seminar here: Baltimore County Genealogical Society Spring Seminar: Dick Eastman
The seminar is open to all, no membership needed but the $30 non-member seminar fee will include membership to the society to the end of 2016.  The member fee for the seminar is $15.

Both events are sure to fill up so register NOW!